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Histórico de Convocatorias

International Collaboration Awards

This award enablees UK research leaders to develop international collaborations with the best leading researchers from around the world, to work on some of the global challenges and problems facing developing countries. Proposals should address the Global Challenge Research Fund agenda, focusing on one or more of the following areas:

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Knowledge Management Fund

The Knowledge Management Fund looks for proposals that diversify thinking and evidence in the Security & Rule of Law (SRoL) field, particularly in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings (FCAS). The KMF awards grants for 6-month projects for events, research ideas and other initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of knowledge generated by the SRoL field, and its subsequent uptake.

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ISSN 0124-4035 ISSNe-2145-5112

Convocatoria abierta para recepción de manuscritos
Dossier temático: América Latina: Cambios políticos y cambios de política exterior
Volumen 33, número 1 (enero-junio de 2021)

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Nuevos temas, actores e instrumentos de las Relaciones Internacionales

El Observatorio de Análisis de los Sistemas Internacionales (OASIS) revista de Relaciones Internacionales indexada y evaluada por pares académicos, hace la siguiente convocatoria para la recepción de artículos académicos para un Dossier sobre:

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Pre-Submission Exchange

The "pre-submission exchange" will allow scholars to receive 2 rounds of limited feedback from members of the editorial board of FPA. The goal of this feedback is to help the scholars prepare their manuscript for submission to FPA. These manuscripts will still undergo the regular review process and the "pre-submission exchange" does not guarantee that a submission will be accepted for publication. The managing editor and editor in chiefs will do their best to pair manuscripts with editorial board members with the most relevant expertise for that submission.

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#Callforapplications Convocatoria abierta para organizaciones latinoamericanas

#Callforaplication @SwedeninCOL Convocatoria abierta para organizaciones latinoamericanas comprometidas en impulsar #DesarrolloSostenible en: adaptación/mitigación del #CambioClimatico, ecosistemas, energía renovable, etc...  Consulta requisitos

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