Pre-Submission Exchange
The "pre-submission exchange" will allow scholars to receive 2 rounds of limited feedback from members of the editorial board of FPA. The goal of this feedback is to help the scholars prepare their manuscript for submission to FPA. These manuscripts will still undergo the regular review process and the "pre-submission exchange" does not guarantee that a submission will be accepted for publication. The managing editor and editor in chiefs will do their best to pair manuscripts with editorial board members with the most relevant expertise for that submission.
Editorial board members will primarily provide feedback on the development and presentation of a manuscript’s theory, research design, empirical analysis, readability, and originality. The "pre-submission exchange" will generally not provide specific copy edits for the author.
If you would like to submit a manuscript for the "pre-submission exchange", please check the following two things before sending us your manuscript.
1. Similar to other ISA journals, this program is available to "authors based or trained in institutions typically underrepresented in mainstream international relations journals. While this will typically be the Global South, we will consider other locations or conditions for pre-review that fulfill the overall objective of making the journal more representative, inclusive, and sensitive to global power structures."
2. Manuscripts should generally have the following before being submitted to the "pre-submission exchange", a research question, a theoretical argument that addresses that question, and some type of empirical analysis that evaluates the theoretical argument. Manuscripts cannot exceed 11,000 words. Reading articles published by FPA is a good way to see what these broad guidelines look like in practice.
Once you have checked that you and your manuscript meet the following two guidelines, please submit your manuscript to the "pre-submission exchange" by emailing your manuscript to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. with the subject line "pre-submission exchange" and a short message indicating you would like to submit this manuscript for the "pre-submission exchange".
Envíe su manuscrito al correo Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. con el asunto "pre-submission exchange" si desea participar en el intercambio de pre-publicaciones.