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Artículos de Divulgación

Post-doctoral Research Fellow: GCRF Drugs and (dis)order - Research Coordination and Collaboration

Vacancy Number: 001757
Location: London
Campus: Russell Square
Post Class: Research
Department / Centre: Department of Development Studies (DEV)
Contract Type: Fixed Term - Over 6 months
Closing date for applications: 22 September 2019

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PhD scholarships within Political Science at Aarhus BSS Graduate School, Aarhus University

Aarhus BSS Graduate School now offers a number of fully-funded PhD scholarships within Political Science with expected start-up February 1st 2020.
The call is open until September 17 2019, at this website, where you can also read more about Aarhus BSS Graduate School and find the application guide.

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Job Posting: Tenure-Track Appointment in International Relations / Security Studies, Department of Politics, York University

The Department of Politics, York University, Toronto is recruiting for a tenure-track appointment in International Relations / Security Studies at the Assistant Professor level. The ad may be accessed via the link and document provided, and is also included below.

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New Early Career Fellowship for Global Scholars

I am delighted to announce a new early career fellowship for global scholars. The fellowship provides resources to attend a mentoring conference hosted by the Department of Global & International Studies at the University of California Irvine (Jan 31 -  Feb 1, 2020).

The conference mission is to increase the visibility in the Euro-American academy of critical interdisciplinary scholarship emanating from the global south and engaging non-western epistemologies, theories, and critical methodologies. Our hope is to promote a broadening of knowledge production and bring new perspectives to bear on a wide range of pressing global issues.

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Profesor Investigador con Doctorado

Profesor investigador con doctorado

Les damos a conocer la convocatoria de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia para el cargo de profesor investigador con doctorado. Se necesita una persona con varios años de experiencia en temas de relaciones internacionales, con un buen número de publicaciones en revistas indexadas, de libros, de capítulos de libros y con amplia experiencia investigativa en la dirección de líneas de investigación en temas de relaciones internacionales, de globalización y especialmente de integración. Se debe contar con doctorado en temas de relaciones Internacionales, ciencia política, historia, derecho internacional, o afines. El sueldo se acordaría según la formación demostrada por el candidato.

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