PhD scholarships within Political Science at Aarhus BSS Graduate School, Aarhus University
Aarhus BSS Graduate School now offers a number of fully-funded PhD scholarships within Political Science with expected start-up February 1st 2020.
The call is open until September 17 2019, at this website, where you can also read more about Aarhus BSS Graduate School and find the application guide.
The program is a three-year program focused on writing the dissertation with some course work and teaching obligations for two semesters. A research stay at a different university for a minimum of three months is also mandatory. All students are assigned two supervisors who provide intensive guidance.
If you are admitted to the program, you are automatically awarded a full scholarship including tuition for the entire three-year program, and you become a Danish government employee. Funding for conference participation, summer schools, research stay at a different institution, and field work is also available.
Qualifications: You need a master’s degree in Political Science or a similar field. The originality and feasibility of the research proposal submitted with the application play a central role in the decision of which students to admit to the program.
The Department of Political Science at Aarhus University is a well-known, large and diverse department. With around 90 faculty members and 50 PhD students, the department covers all subjects within the field of political science and offers a lively and ambitious research and teaching environment. Members of the faculty are also very well-connected to major research environments in Europe and North America. Learn more at
Aarhus University is a research-intensive university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education. Over the course of the past decade, the university has consolidated its position in the top 100 on the most influential rankings of universities world-wide. Learn more at Aarhus University also provides institutional support for foreign students. Learn more at